What is Spiritual Direction?
Spiritual Direction, also known as Spiritual Companionship, is a relationship between two people that offers a compassionate, nonjudgmental, and confidential space to explore the experience of God’s active presence in your life. In Spiritual Direction, you are given the opportunity to slow down, leave the world’s measuring-stick behind, and listen to the still, small voice of God. Together, we turn our gaze toward our Creator, who fashioned us to be in relationship.
You may seek spiritual direction at a time of life transition, during a time of wrestling with God, as you explore new avenues of prayer, or as you simply seek to deepen your relationship with God. A common question we will ponder is this:
What is God inviting me to learn, know, or experience today?

What does a Spiritual Direction appointment look like?
The session begins with a time of quiet prayer, as we leave our busy days at the threshold of the door and turn our hearts toward God. You may bring a specific need or concern to the session: a dry time in your prayer life, a question of discernment regarding life decisions, or a puzzling dream. As you share your life story, joys, and concerns, I listen with an inner ear tuned to the Holy Spirit, asking questions and making observations. We may spend time in Scripture, healing prayer, or meditation. A Bible and a journal are our tools for the journey. A lighted candle signifies the Holy Spirit, present with us, the “real” director of the session. We end our time together in prayer and thanksgiving. Spiritual Direction sessions typically take place at Cloudland, a contemplative retreat center located in a beautiful country setting outside of Oxford, Ohio. You are free to spend time in the prayer room or garden before or after appointments. I also offer spiritual direction over the phone or Skype. Sessions last approximately one hour. Directed day-retreats are available as well.
Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10

More About Kathleen
As a spiritual director I create a safe space for believers to explore and deepen their relationship with the Living God. Contemplative prayer and Lectio Divina (sacred reading of Scripture) are my well-worn pathways into God’s presence, and have been transformational on my journey. I have a master’s degree in Religious Studies. My training in Spiritual Direction was done through Sustainable Faith’s School of Spiritual Direction. Married for over forty years, I have three sons, Matt, Justin, and Joel, and three daughters of heart, Elizabeth, Jenni and Sarah. Joel, the youngest, has autism. Our family’s journey with autism has been the inspiration behind my writing and speaking ministry for the past twenty-five years. My published work includes The Spiritual Art of Raising Children with Disabilities, and Autism & Alleluias.
Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.
Matthew 11:29-30 The Message
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